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Psychology & GuiDance CMRU™

    America's most successful fashion style brand leather COACH


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    America's most successful fashion style brand leather COACH Empty America's most successful fashion style brand leather COACH

    ตั้งหัวข้อ  lisactrytoo Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:18 am

    America's most successful fashion style brand leather COACH

    In 2001, the Cheap Coach Bags introduced, marking products, including handbags, hats and accessories, etc.. These products have the "C"-type pattern decorative chain, which is brand coach "American Legend" marketing strategy. The spring of 2002, coach men launched products, including shoes, scarves, Coach Purses, luggage, briefcases, belts and many other categories. Simple design, the former coach whispered in Declue Kauf become the brand, to keep the chief architect of the classic characteristics of coaches, but also the insertion of a modern urban style. Krakow's husband launched a "dynamometer" product line is very simple, colorful, New York on behalf of mental coach. In recent years, the Coach Factory Outlet continued inspiration from the American classical tradition, and modern American style, the perfect balance of traditional and popular interpretation of integration. Coach currently more than 200 U.S. stores, with hundreds of foreign monopoly. It is the product of the style of 5000 high-end consumer inquiries each year, each spending only up to more than 300 million. In the "Forbes" magazine, the world's leading 100 species, Coach Handbags annual list of global luxury brands the choice by ctrytoo007 on 2010-8-28.

      เวลาขณะนี้ Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:40 pm